Demystifying the carbon markets for more urgent corporate climate action

There has never been a more urgent time for companies to take climate action seriously but many aren’t moving fast enough. Throughout my career, I’ve led customer strategies for companies offering technologies that require big changes but have much bigger benefits. Climate change will require the biggest economic transition of our times, and businesses know they need to take action. While most want to take action, many aren’t sure where to start.
When it comes to the carbon markets, despite being a critical tool for fulfilling the ‘net’ in net zero, those sentiments ring more true. Sylvera is making it easy for companies to leverage the carbon markets to drive urgent investment in critical climate solutions that would otherwise go unfunded. At this critical time in the global fight against climate change, I am joining the Sylvera team as COO to help simplify some of the big shifts necessary for corporate climate action and investment.
The net zero transition will require companies to make transformative changes and, in that, I find parallels to what I’ve learned and experienced throughout my 25-year career as a leader in the tech industry. I’ve seen firsthand how the transformative shifts that require a huge overhaul of industries, from search and digital advertising to cloud and online banking, eventually become a part of the daily ways of operating when done well. It means helping partners and customers embrace new ways of doing business.
In joining Sylvera, my aim is to be at the forefront of helping companies make the necessary shifts in both mindset and actions to turn climate action into a critical and embedded part of their operations. Net zero demands that every organization first reduce emissions as far as possible, no small task! However, investing in carbon credits represents immediately accessible levers that companies can put into action right now. That said, carbon markets can appear opaque and complex and as a result, many businesses find it difficult to engage with them. Sylvera makes it as easy as possible for companies to leverage one of the most established and scalable ways to channel finance to effective climate outcomes.
Today, Sylvera works with some of the largest global financial institutions, corporations, and governments to make their carbon market engagement seamless at every step of the journey. Most of these companies are forward-thinking early movers in the space, but as net zero grows more pressing, more and more companies of all expertise levels are looking to engage with the carbon markets in some way. As this takes shape, I'm looking forward to partnering with these new entrants. Together, we can drive much more investment toward the projects, companies, and countries having maximum climate impact and get the world on track for net zero.
Learn how businesses are shaping carbon market strategies with carbon.

The end-to end carbon dataplatform for the 'net' in yournet zero goals