
On-Demand Webinar: How COP28 could revolutionise the voluntary carbon market for buyers

December 15, 2023
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The voluntary carbon market (VCM) is tipped to be worth $1tr by 2037, as governments and corporates ramp up efforts to deliver on their net zero goals. As such, unlocking increased investment in the carbon market is set to be one of the top priorities for governments at the COP28 Climate Summit in Dubai as they strive to deliver on global climate and nature goals.The finalization of. Article 6 of the Paris Agreement was meant to bring some much-needed clarity and robust new rules to the global carbon market, but two years on, many businesses remain confused about high-quality investment opportunities in the market that will contribute to their net-zero targets.

BusinessGreen’s new Sustainable Talks webinar will provide an essential overview of the outlook for the VCM, the impact on the market of any final COP28 deal, and the potential implications for businesses' decarbonization strategies. Join our panel of experts as we discuss the conclusion of the COP28 Summit, the key challenges and opportunities facing corporate net zero plans in 2024, and how delivering on the promise of Article 6 could enhance transparency, quality control, and demand across the carbon market.

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