How the UK can leverage the VCMs and harness the net zero economic opportunity

A few weeks ago, the UK government announced they are changing the carbon market, which will make it cheaper for corporations to pollute in the UK compared with the EU. This is the wrong direction—increasing the allowances available to high emitters creates the wrong incentives and makes it harder for the UK to benefit from net zero’s tremendous economic opportunity.
It will take an estimated capital investment of $3.5 trillion annually over the next 30 years, from both the public and private sectors, into the technology and infrastructure required to deliver a zero-carbon economy. To make this transition possible, we need to broaden the range of tools available to make this financing possible. The UK should provide clear backing and guidance for voluntary carbon markets’ growth to drive investment and innovation, and strengthen existing carbon prices.
For my full view, read my letter to the editor in the Financial Times. If you’re interested in learning more about how you can leverage the voluntary carbon markets to further your net zero journey, reach out to our team. We work with corporate and sovereign buyers, as well as financiers, to help them invest in real climate action.
Learn how businesses are shaping carbon market strategies with carbon.

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