10 pieces of climate content we recommend for Women’s History Month 2023

Emma Beecher
Senior Marketing Manager
March 7, 2023
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In honor of the 2023 theme of Women’s History Month, "Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories," we surveyed the Sylvera team to find out what pieces of content they recommend made by women and non-binary creators. The responses included a mix of books, podcasts, magazines, films and TV shows focused on climate, nature, advocacy and activism.

Here is a list of 10 content recommendations created by women working in climate chosen by different members of Sylvera:


1. Swell: A Sailing Surfer's Voyage of Awakening , by Captain Liz Clark

Swell: A Sailing Surfer's Voyage of Awakening

Liz Clark has a degree in Environmental Studies; her book combines her passion for the environment and marine conservation with the challenges of being a female captain as she sets off on a solo journey across the Pacific Ocean. - Aga, Head of Data Production 

2. Braiding Sweetgrass, by Robin Wall Kimmerer

Braiding Sweetgrass

This book serves as a reminder that addressing climate change requires a paradigm shift and a revaluing of nature that is deeper than monetary. - Annalise, Technical Climate Consultant

3. The Death and Life of Great American Cities, by Jane Jacobs

The Death and Life of Great American Cities 

Jane Jacobs advocated for a radically different way of building cities. Putting people and utility at the fore, she advocated for natural spaces that served diverse communities in diverse ways. - Kelli, VP of Marketing  

4. The Climate Book, by Greta Thunberg

The Climate Book 

Greta’s incredibly inspirational, and I admire how she started her activism from such a young age. She bravely goes toe to toe with powerful people and institutions, speaking plainly and emphatically about what they need to do to clean up the mess they made. She’s also rallied an entire generation of young people, who will hopefully displace the old guard, and make climate action a global priority. - Jess, Head of Nature Based Solutions Ratings Framework

5. Parable of the Sower, by Octavia E. Butler

Parable of the Sower

A ghastly imagining of what happens when climate change wrecks our world. This book offers a lens into the worst-case scenario of the climate crisis and makes the reader take stock of their role in contributing to the solution. - Julia, Senior VP, Data Products & Ratings

6. All We Can Save by Ayana Elizabeth Johnson and Katharine K. Wilkinson

All We Can Save

All We Can Save features a range of pieces from journalists, scientists, lawyers, farmers, teachers, activists and innovators, of all different ages, from all over the US representing diverse perspectives about the climate crisis. It shares voices that are passionate, yet solution-oriented and realistic, yet hopeful. - Emma, Senior Marketing Manager


7. Ologies, by Alie Ward


Super interesting science podcast, giving a stage to scientists with a minority background. - Falk, Data Engineer 


8. It’s freezing in LA, edited by Martha Dillon

It's Freezing In La!

Martha founded the magazine while she was still in school and has kept it running for several years as a passion project. It publishes great stories, art, and creative content that makes you think about climate change in new ways and features diverse creators. - Polly, Policy Associate

TED Talk:

9. All Models Are Wrong, but some are useful and How to love uncertainty in climate science, by Dr Tamsin Edwards

Ted Talk

All Models Are Wrong blog

Tamsin was my MSc course director at King's college London; she's an IPCC author, physicist by training and also does so much to promote science. She's also such a big inspiration for students, she remained optimistic during the pandemic (when I took the course) and despite all the negative things in the climate change battle, she manages to remain positive. - Jovana, Squad Leader, ARR 


10. My Octopus Teacher, by Philippa Ehrlich

My Octopus Teacher (2020)

Utterly enchanting and surprisingly intimate. I chose it because of the explicit ties between two sides of nature: one human and one octopus. These two real personalities live fairly solitary existences but we see a bond unfold that I didn't think was possible. It takes place on the outskirts of a huge, fully submerged kelp forest on the Cape Coast. Surely exposure to different climates and biomes helps us appreciate the power of nature even more. Never before has a film made me change my way of life so quickly.- Xav, Service Engineer

Other things we are reading: 

We can’t get enough of the inspiring, educational and thought-provoking content being shared and discussed this month. Here are a few more resources that also speak to the 2023 International Women’s Day theme #EmbraceEquity. 

In honor of Women’s History Month, Sylvera’s DEI ERG is hosting a book club featuring We should all be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. You also won’t want to miss the TEDx Talk the book was adapted from. 

This is an insightful article on how gender inequality and climate change are interconnected. It explores how women and girls experience the greatest impacts of climate change, which amplifies existing gender inequalities and poses unique threats to their livelihoods, health and safety.

This report by the United Nations delves into the disparity between the impact that climate change has on women compared to men particularly in African countries. It also uncovers the fact that women are agents for change in these countries by proactively seeking more sustainable ways of living such as increasing food security and enabling greener mobility patterns.

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