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Xpansiv Market CBL Includes Sylvera Carbon Credit Ratings

October 31, 2021
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Sylvera, the leading provider of carbon credit ratings data on nature-based carbon offset projects, has partnered with Xpansiv market CBL, the world’s largest spot exchange for carbon offsets, to provide carbon credit ratings that enable market participants to factor deeper data in their pricing and selection decisions. 

Sylvera’s carbon credit ratings platform draws on multiple layers of satellite data to capture project and vintage performance at scale and with high frequency. Sylvera then applies machine learning algorithms to analyse and visualise this data, while simultaneously conducting deep methodologically-driven analytical work to assess the underlying project quality. From this analysis, Sylvera creates a standardised rating for each project and vintage it examines, enabling market participants to transact based on the most comprehensive understanding of quality and impact in the market. These carbon credit ratings will soon appear on Xpansiv market CBL’s trading screen and will also soon be available to Xpansiv XSignals data subscribers.

“Xpansiv and Sylvera have combined their expertise and global scale to catalyse investment in the preservation of nature by giving market participants confidence in the quality of the offsets they buy and sell,” said Sylvera CEO Dr. Allister Furey. “Combining CBL’s unrivalled customer reach and Sylvera’s unmatched scientific and methodological expertise allows the offset market to accelerate toward increasingly ambitious climate goals.” 

CBL is the world’s largest exchange for trading carbon credits, with more than 90 million tonnes of carbon units sold thus far in 2021. Its fully transparent order book enables market participants to see live pricing and full market depth for individual carbon offset projects, as well as its VCM benchmark instruments like the Global Emissions Offset™ and Nature-Based Global Emissions Offset™. Project-level information is available via the exchange order book, which is integrated with leading registries operated by American Carbon Registry, Climate Action Reserve, Gold Standard, and Verra.

“CBL is the central market hub that provides transparent pricing and project-level data to more than 400 VCM participants,” said Andy Bose, Head of XSignals. “Integrating Sylvera’s data-driven credit ratings will add a new dimension of transparency, providing CBL members with an additional, highly valuable criterion to assess credit quality at the individual project level.” 

"As the market continues to scale, market participants require sophisticated tools to help them make better decisions,” said Rene Velasquez, CBL Head of Global Carbon Markets. “The synergy between Sylvera and CBL offers just such a solution, and we believe it will be well received by the market.”

About Sylvera

Sylvera has developed the most sophisticated ratings platform in the carbon market that draws on multiple layers of satellite data to capture project performance data at scale and at a high frequency. Sylvera then applies machine learning algorithms to analyse and visualise this data, while simultaneously conducting deep methodologically driven analytical work to assess the underlying project quality. From this analysis, Sylvera creates a standardised rating on a project and vintage level, enabling market participants to transact with clarity, confidence, and speed. Sylvera makes its ratings and analysis data available to its customers through a web application, and via API. 

About Xpansiv

Xpansiv is the global marketplace for ESG-inclusive commodities. These Intelligent Commodities bring transparency and liquidity to markets, empowering participants to value energy, carbon, and water to meet the challenges of an information-rich, resource-constrained world. The company’s main business units include CBL, the largest spot exchange for ESG commodities, including carbon, renewable energy certificates, and Digital Natural Gas™; ACE, the centralised marketplace for Airlines to access both voluntary and compliance carbon units; H2OX, the leading spot exchange for water in Australia; XSignals, which provides end-of-day and historical market data; and EMA, the leading multi-registry portfolio management system for all ESG-inclusive commodities. Xpansiv is the digital nexus where ESG and price signals merge.

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