Ratings Frameworks

Overview of ABACUS

Understanding Verra's Label for Ecosystem Restoration and Reforestation Credits

Verra's ABACUS label is a significant step forward, providing a robust framework for assessing the quality and trustworthiness of ecosystem restoration and reforestation projects. 

This document provides Sylvera’s overview of ABACUS, its implications for integrity, and planned updates.

Learn about:

What ABACUS is: Discover how this market label adds an extra layer of verification and what it means for project eligibility.

Integrity implications: Understand how ABACUS strengthens carbon accounting, additionality, permanence, and more, mitigating key risks.

Applicability to projects: See which projects qualify for the ABACUS label and the requirements they must meet.

Key takeaways for buyers and developers: Gain insights into how ABACUS impacts market value, project quality, and risk reduction.

Provisions across key pillars: Explore the detailed provisions within ABACUS for carbon accounting, additionality, permanence, and sustained benefits.

Planned updates: Stay informed about future developments and improvements to the ABACUS label.

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