The 2025 CDR Market Survey

Navigating the 2025 Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) Market

To understand the current state and future trajectory of the carbon dioxide removal (CDR) market, and Sylvera partnered to conduct a comprehensive market survey. This report presents key insights and analysis based on data gathered from both durable CDR suppliers and purchasers.

Discover key findings on:

Market Growth and Trends: Explore the anticipated expansion of durable CDR and its implications for the industry.

The Role of Standards: Understand the significant influence of net-zero standards and frameworks on driving demand for durable CDR.

Price Dynamics: Analyze the gap between supplier expectations and purchaser willingness to pay for durable CDR, and its effects on market development.

Purchase Intentions: Gain insight into the types of CDR credits companies are buying and their planned purchasing strategies through 2050.

Key Factors in Supplier Selection: Learn which factors (price, additionality, delivery certainty, etc.) are most important to purchasers when choosing a CDR supplier.

Scaling Durable CDR: Explore the challenges and opportunities related to scaling up durable CDR methods like ERW and BECCS.

Download the full report now.

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